Saturday, May 29, 2010
Foreign Lanugage Skills
Take Thing One, for example: French in Jr. High school, 2 years each of Mandarin Chinese and Latin in high school. Not fluent, mind you, but skilled. She's retained quite a bit of all three. I backed her in high school because I heard that having Eastern languages would be especially useful in the business world today.
But when would she have an opportunity to use such skills, you ask?
When she's ordering food at Disney World, or course.
Man, I'm glad we invested so much in acquiring foreign language skills.
Monday, May 24, 2010
creepy crawlies
But this time she had a good reason.
M: Why were you asleep on my floor this morning?
E: I had a bad dream. I died.
M: You died? How did you die?
E: A giant spider got me and I died.
M: Wow. A giant spider. How big is a giant spider, like bigger than your hand?
E: No, I think it was a medium spider. It had one eye that was big and round, and the other wasn't. The other eye was oblong (didn't know she knew this word). But it bited me, and I died. And then I woke up so I could make sure I wasn't really dead. I wasn't.
M: You weren't dead?
E: Well, I'm talking to you so what do you think? (I love it when she talks like a teenager!)
And here, just for your enjoyment, is Eclair's picture of the spider:
If I'd seen one of these, I'd wake up to make sure I wasn't dead, too.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A Haiku...
My tub is moldy
It needs some bleach really bad
I wish I had slaves
See? Mad skills, man.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Fine Portraiture
Thing Two, for example.
That's him letting me take his picture. The next one, not so much.
Wow. Look. The Hand. Again.
And again, with the hand. I have dozens of these.
Here's a new variation. Hand is full, so use the instrument.
Trying to pose him results in this:
Every year, I take a picture on the first day of school in front of the school's sign. Look how cooperative he is.
Crap. Saw me coming.
It's just not great when we include him in the family pictures, either.
Unless we do it his way.
Don't think for a minute that this is a recent development. Here's the evidence:
But today, TODAY! I got a SMILE!!!!!! a genuine SMILE!!!
Because Luke Skywalker was standing behind me picking his nose just to make him smile.
And just so you don't get the crazy idea that any of the rest of my kids are normal and take lovely pictures, I present Middle Daughter:
And....Thing One.....
...and....Luke Skywalker....
And sadly, even me & Eclair.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Chicks Rule.
10. SPRING!!!!
They have Women's Conference when the evil drudgery of winter is over, and it is now BEAUTIFUL SPRING!
9. My big sister always comes for Women's Conference. She usually spends the entire time driving me crazy with "I'll be there in 15 minutes" (and then she never is). Word to the wise: when waiting for Debbie, bring a crossword puzzle, or a good book. And snacks.
(this out of focus picture was taken by some strange woman who doesn't know how to operate a real camera, even after I gave her instructions. Thank you, ma'am.)
8. Great speakers. I even know this one! This is Sandy. She is amazing. And she likes to ride motorcycles.
7. Lines at WC (not Water Closet, Women's Conference! I'm just tired of typing it out, okay?) are epic. You will not see lines like this anywhere else. In the photo below, I am about 15 feet downstream of the door to the room these women are lined up for. Many didn't get in and had to go stand in another line to go to another room. Lines all day, everywhere. They convert 80% of the men's restrooms into ladies restrooms to help manage the lines. Not too many seats in a men's room, by the way. The only time I ever saw a riot in the line was when they ran out of fudge.
6. 14,000 women attended WC this year. That's 2000 less than the amount of text messages Middle Daughter made last month. Just sayin'. My estimate is that these women will consume 31 tons of fudge and 47,379 BYU brownies.
5. Did I mention that it wasn't freezing because it was SPRING?
4. Bonnie spoke at WC this year, too. "There is No One Way to Be a Perfect Mother." Click on that, and it will take you to Mormon Times where she was in the NEWSPAPER!!!!!! SHE'S FAMOUS!!!! She wasn't happy how she was misquoted & all, but hey, who cares when YOU'RE FAMOUS!!! This is Bonnie with most of her cheering squad (part of it is behind the camera, you know).
3. My Favorite, maybe, and a reason, perhaps why you should go to WC: I wasn't speaking this year.
2. No matter what you wear to WC, someone else will be wearing something so incredibly stupid that you will look like a high paid model by comparison:
Take a gander at that homemade attempt at one of those little crocheted headbands that all the middle school girls are wearing. Lovely (NOT).
First of all, she's over thirty. Second, it looks like it is consuming her entire head. Third, the flower is bigger than the palm of my hand and looks very little like a flower at all. Fourth, do you think she deliberately picked out yarn the color of wallpaper paste?
Hmmm. What do you think?
1.!!!!!! CHICKEN CEASER WRAP!!!!!!!!
Um. I have to go now, and make one of these at home. I'm suddenly VERY hungry.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
A contrast...
Her mother was a Siamese, her father an orange tabby cat. Why she is a grey tabby cat, I have no idea, it defies the laws of nature. She also has short hair, and rarely sheds.
My wonderful neighbor (not the one whose yard she uses for a catbox) said to me once, "I don't know if I love that cat, or hate that cat. She DID kill all the snakes that lived under my front porch, but she also taunts my dog by standing 5 feet beyond her reach when she is leashed in the backard."
This is the new cat, Asparagus. Don't let this photo fool you.
His is an unknown heritage, we adopted him as a VERY YOUNG kitten found in a parking lot.
He stalks anything that moves, and many things that don't. He is as likely to sit on your head as your lap. He likes to awaken people by suffocating them or licking their hair. He uses the litterbox so much that it needs to be cleaned twice a day. He eats his weight in cat food twice a day (thus the litter box use, I suppose).
He scratches the couches, eats anything that is not stored in the refrigerator, and has been seen recently climbing the shelves of the kitchen hutch in an effort to slay the Immortal Fish who live there. He sheds buckets of hair daily, and only seems to be getting fluffier by the hour.
If for some insane reason you would be looking for him on purpose, just look down: he is probably wrapped around your ankles about to trip you.
But alas, Asparagus LOVES ECLAIR, while Muffin despises her. It is his only redeeming factor.
So Gus stays.
Happy Mother's Day
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Inside the envelope was a letter and a Payless Shoes gift card. Her wonderful teacher had been given some extra "Quarters for Christmas" gift cards, and had chosen Eclair to recieve one.
Is this because the shoes she was wearing had been chewed on by the dog? Or because the other shoes she wears are hand-me-downs from her cousin that are too big? Never mind that they are too big, they belonged to her favorite cousin and that is the only reason she wears them. Never mind also that she has a lovely pair of pristine white tennis shoes with little discreet rhinestones on them that she NEVER wears (she doesn't want to get them dirty). And then, there are a dozen other pairs of shoes that are worn out and should be burned.
So we went shopping.
and tried on shoes. many many shoes.
Luke Skywalker went too. He needed shoes " 'cause the old ones are leaky"
Luke Skywalker tried on one pair of shoes. And they were identical to the leaky shoes. Then he was done. And sat and waited patiently until we were done shopping for girl shoes. He will make some shoe-loving woman very happy someday...
Ecalir showed great restraint and only bought two pairs of shoes (and only using half of her gift card -- more shoe shopping later!).
And everyone knows you can't leave the mall until you have been swallowed by a dinosaur.